

Fišer, reconstruction, constructions a.s. is one of the leading construction companies in the Czech Republic, covering almost all branches of construction activities that have, among other things, an impact on the environment. The company is determined to professionally manage the impacts of its activities in order to protect its employees and customers and at the same time contribute to the protection and improvement of the environment.

It therefore declares an environmental policy committing itself to:

  1. Meet the conditions of all applicable laws, regulations and ordinances on environmental protection and other requirements protecting the environment.
  2. Strive to minimize the negative impacts of our own activities, products and services on the environment and prevent air, water, soil and excessive waste pollution.
  3. Protect natural resources by recycling waste and materials and reusing them, efficiently managing energy and water
  4. Protect and improve the environment by using environmentally friendly materials and gradually renewing current technologies to be more environmentally friendly.
  5. To increase and deepen awareness of environmental protection among employees.
  6. Require your business partners to take an active approach to environmental protection.
  7. Communicate with the general public, stakeholders and cooperate with the state administration.
  8. By improving social facilities, create good working conditions for employees on construction sites and in permanent establishments.
  9. Create conditions for continuous improvement and reduction of environmental impacts by monitoring and evaluating its activities.

Certificates and awards