About us

The company FIRESTA-Fišer, reconstruction, constructions was established in Brno in 1990 as a private company. 
It started its activity with only 10 employees.

In 1997, it was transformed into a joint-stock company and currently employs more than 500 qualified regular staff.
Company management


Organizational  structure


Ethical codex


Energy savings in Firesta company

Energy savings
in Firesta company

Promoting gender equality in FIRESTA company

Promoting gender equality
in FIRESTA company

Cpmpany management

Chairman of the Board

Ing. Vladimír Fišer

Members of the Board of Directors

Ing. Pavel Borek
Ivo Fišer
Ing. Andrea Piro

Chairman of the Supervisory Board

Ing. Dagmar Alkérová

Members of the Supervisory Board

JUDr. Zdeněk Daňhel
Renata Fišerová

Organizational structure

Ethical codex

  1. The company FIRESTA-Fišer, rekonstrukce, stavby a.s. (hereinafter referred to as FIRESTA) since its establishment in 1990, it has professed the values ​​that helped it grow to its current form. FIRESTA is one of the best companies implementing transport constructions, especially reconstructions and constructions of bridges. Our primary concern is to gain and maintain the trust of our customers. The quality of completed constructions is more important to us than a short-term increase in profit. The success of our company's work is conditioned by the constant creation of good working, safety and social conditions for all employees. We are based on the principle that the key to success is the satisfaction of every employee of the company. Fulfillment of internal guidelines of the quality system, their deepening and improvement in the form of a process approach will undoubtedly be reflected in the effectiveness of the final work. We strive to ensure that interpersonal relationships in our workplaces promote cooperation and teamwork, as these are essential factors in overcoming the obstacles we constantly face. This Code of Ethics is a tool that helps us ensure that the day-to-day activities of the company and its employees comply with established principles. It is a set of specific rules based on the values ​​and principles of FIRESTA-Fišer, reconstruction, construction of a.s. and define the standard of professional conduct.
  2. FIRESTA always ensures compliance with the laws of the Czech Republic and the countries in which it operates. We continuously monitor and in practice respond to the legal order and ethical standards of the countries in which we operate or intend to operate. We not only respect the relevant laws and rules, but also positively prevent suspicions of any impropriety.
  3. FIRESTA fights all forms of corruption, bribery and acceptance of donations. All employees are strictly prohibited from either directly or indirectly offering or accepting benefits in connection with business activities of any kind. No employee may attempt to do so. This must be taken into account, in particular, where the manner and extent of that advantage may adversely affect commercial conduct and decisions.
  4. FIRESTA is committed to fair and open competition in all countries in which it operates. Our company and our employees may not engage in illegal and / or criminal practices, such as illegal bid agreements, that would exclude, restrict or manipulate competition.
  5. FIRESTA always cares about the good name of the company. All employees of the company are fully aware of their individual competencies, they are responsible for their actions and decisions. Our employees adhere to the rules of business ethics and pay attention to their professional honor. The company has a good reputation with a long-standing reputation for integrity and competence. Each employee cares about the company's reputation, protection of its interests and is committed to protecting the company's material wealth, intellectual property, trade secrets and all customer information.
  6. FIRESTA is constantly working to build a corporate culture. Our values ​​and Code of Ethics lead us to do the right thing and not lose the established reputation that is constantly gaining strength. That is why we cannot accept unethical behavior and we will uncompromisingly and immediately intervene against all its forms.
  7. FIRESTA recognizes that its business activities may have an impact on the environment and is committed to protecting soil, water, air, biodiversity and cultural assets. All employees have a duty to prevent the occurrence of harmful effects in the performance of their tasks through preventive and corrective measures in the sense of consistent management and responsible management of natural resources.
  8. FIRESTA expects its employees to always act in accordance with its interests. This means that employees must not engage in any business or enterprise that would compete directly or indirectly with FIRESTA. FIRESTA employees may not use their employment or position in FIRESTA to obtain unauthorized personal benefits for themselves, their family members or other persons or entities. FIRESTA employees may not obtain financial or other benefits from suppliers, competitors or customers.
  9. Ethical principles and rules of conduct according to this code of ethics form the core of our corporate culture. Adherence to these principles throughout FIRESTA is inevitable and every employee is responsible for it. Managers have a special responsibility. They are encouraged to provide employees with the meaning and content of this code of ethics, to be a role model for them and to support them in enforcing it. Adherence to the FIRESTA Code of Ethics is the responsibility of every employee, and at the same time, no employee may be disadvantaged in any way because they have complied with the law, the law and this Code of Ethics.

Energy savings
in Firesta company

In 2018, our company was approved a grant for a project with registration number CZ.01.3.10 / 0.0 / 0.0 / 17_101 / 0013048:

„Energy savings at FIRESTA“

The subject of the project is the replacement of energy-disadvantaged technologies - a handling excavator and a handling tipper with a new two-way excavator with more energy-efficient operation and comparable performance. Energy savings will take place in the process, implemented in the production area on plots 1148/1, 1148/11, 1148/12, 1148/13, 1148/14, 1148/15, 1148/16, 1148/20, 1148/21, 1148 / 22, 1148/23, 1148/24, 1148/25, 1148/26, 1148/27 and 1148/28 in the cadastral area of Modřice.

The technology used is still relatively efficient in terms of performance in absolute terms, but due to the year of manufacture, its efficiency is very low compared to new machines per tonne of material processed and threatens the competitiveness of products that must respect costing.

The technology mainly shows a high consumption of primary fuel (diesel), but also the consumption of other operating fluids (eg in the hydraulic system) is gradually increasing and making the total operating costs of the processing process more expensive.

From the applicant's point of view, the project will reduce energy consumption in the company and thus reduce the costs of the processing process. The main benefits for the region and the EU will be the reduction of emissions from the operation of technologies, and thus the reduction of local and regional air pollution, fuel consumption will be reduced due to lower consumption, which will reduce fuel.

Completion of the project is expected in 2019.


Promoting the equality of women and men
in Firesta company

Promoting gender equality

Currently, our company is implementing the project Support for Gender Equality in the company FIRESTA-Fišer, rekonstrukce, stavby as, registration number CZ.03.1.51 / 0.0 / 0.0 / 17_081 / 0011650, within the Operational Program Employment, which is co-financed European Union. The project aims to promote equality between women and men in gender-non-stereotypical positions. Through key activities, the project eliminates differences in their position in the labor market and changes the current situation of the target group.

of company



We want to be one of the best companies implementing transport constructions, especially bridge reconstructions. Our primary concern is to gain and maintain the trust of our customers. The quality of completed constructions is more important to us than a short-term increase in profit.
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The company is determined to professionally manage the impacts of its activities in order to protect its employees and customers and at the same time contribute to the protection and improvement of the environment.
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The success of the work of our centers is conditioned by the constant creation of good working, safety and social conditions for employees. We are based on the principle that the key to success is the satisfaction of every employee of a joint-stock company.
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