
Nová Karolina


Investor/Contracting Authority: New Karolina Shopping Center Development, s.r.o.


Project description:
The load-bearing structure is an arched footbridge with an intermediate bridge suspended deck on a pair of arches. The beam is designed as a box girder with an upper orthotropic bridge deck and overhanging ends. The 26.79 m high arches 26.79 m lie in inclined planes, their deviation from the vertical plane is 4.0 m at a height of 33.565 m. The total length of the steel structure is 145.866 m.
The beam is welded from a bottom flange, two sloping walls, a roof-shaped top flange, the ledge structure, crossbars, and longitudinal braces. The width of the beam is 4.6 m, extended to 5.4 m at the length of 10.8 m. The bottom flanges, walls and the middle part of the top flange make up a 700 mm high and 1693 mm wide box girder, together with the bottom flange, the sloping wall (21.5°) and the inclined top flanges inclining at 2.0%.
The arch is designed as a welded box measuring 550 x 450 mm. The anchoring of the arches is designed as articulated, by means of a multi-cut pin connection.