Project description:
The subject of this project was the demolition and construction of two new three-span bridge, the demolition and construction of a new railway culvert with a diameter of 1000 mm, the construction of temporary railway spur line and the complete reconstruction of the railway superstructure and traction line.
Railway superstructure and substructure – The track bed has a reinforced sleeper foundation on the bridges as well as in front of and behind bridges in lengths of 7 m and with 5 m long spurs. For the railway superstructure and substructure, 819.668 m were worked on for track No. 1 and 825.432 m for track No. 2. A contactless track was installed in the entire section. 60E2 tracks with B91 concrete ties and baseplateless fastening with Skl14 clamps were used. The railway superstructure is designed for the D4 UIC (max. 22.5s sper axle) load. The work was carried out with full closures of the reconstructed track with full railway traffic on the adjacent track. As part of the zero stage of the project, a passing loop was installed, including four new switches, a new traction line together with pylons in the passing loop area and lighting. After Stage II was completed, the passing loop was dismantled and the railway superstructure was put into the final condition.
Traction line – In the entire section under reconstruction, the existing traction line and traction current pylons were dismantled. The tractions pylons have excavated foundations (a total of 348 m3 of concrete) according to the type base. The projected height of the trolley at the support is 5.60 m above the top of the rail. The maximum span of the traction line sections is 65 m. The total length of the newly laid traction line cables is 2.427 km.