Our machinery allows us to perform work both in space-constrained conditions and with the use of larger sets to reach borehole depths of up to 35 m. We perform small-profile drilling up to a diameter of 324 mm. Our technology makes it possible to instal permanent / temporary ground anchors, micropiles, microriders, nailed walls, compensating grouting as well as complete construction pits. Thanks to our experience in the field of building foundations, we can offer designs for technical solutions, processing of variant designs, advice on the possible optimization of existing designs at all stages of project documentation, including implementation.
Since May 2019, our machine park has been strengthened with a drilling rig for the implementation of large-profile piles. It is a drilling rig with a weight of 60 t, thanks to which it will be possible to implement piles with a diameter of 520 mm to 1,200 mm to a depth of 21 m.
With this step, we expand the existing offer, where we implement a complete range of small-profile drilling, anchors, nails, microriders, micropiles up to a diameter of 320 mm.
We will be happy if you contact us with a request to prepare a price offer, or we can offer you assistance in designing a technical solution or variant solution in all stages of project documentation, including implementation.
Contact: Ing. Jana Kořínková
e-mail: korinkova@firesta.cz
phone: +420 702 233 082
HEAD OF Department
Rostislav Zouhar