Supporting structures – PIŽMO and ŽBM 30
For the supply of temporary support structures (including light spatial systems), our company is equipped with a ŽBM 30 railway bridge steel structure and parts of the PIŽMO bridge pillar. We offer deliveries of these supporting structures, including project development. The ŽBM 30 structure allows to assemble ring support beams up to a span of 30 m (without intermediate support), which allows overcoming larger obstacles, reducing the area of the temporary foundation and the overall volume of the support ring pillars.
Temporary road bridges
For the temporary bridging of road traffic or the establishment of access to construction sites over obstacles (watercourses, roads, railway lines, underground structure under construction), our company is equipped with temporary bridges of MS, TMS type, and for this purpose, the ŽBM 30 structure can be used as well. We also carry out assemblies and disassemblies of temporary road bridges of type MMS, MMT-100, PN (Vítkovice, Slab (KVARTO, Bailey Bridge, and ŽM16.
HEAD OF Department
Ing. Dalibor Václavík