
Bridge Šakvice


Investor/Contracting Authority: Road Repair Authority of the South-Moravian Region

Project description:

The subject of the project was the reconstruction of two bridges, No. 4203-003, 4203-004, and the adjacent road section. The reconstruction involved the complete demolition of the existing bridge structures and the consequent construction of new bridges on the III/4203 road bridging the railway track.

The new bridge, No. 4203-003 (SO 201), is made up of a steel bridge structure with a lower deck. The supporting element is a pair of truss-type beams, a rigid beam reinforced with a system of diagonals. The bridge deck consists of a composite reinforced-concrete deck. The steel bridge structure was assembled on an assembly grid outside the bridge clearance, which was built from a PIŽMO support structure. On this assembly grid, the concreting of the slab also took place. After the lower structure was finished, the entire structure, including the concreted deck, was inserted into the bridge clearance. The length of the SO 201 bridge is 53.25 m, width 11.20. The length of the supporting structure is 32.3 m. The length of the deck is 29.7 m. The area of the load-bearing structure totals to 371.45 m2.

The bridge structure is placed on pot bearings. The height of the bridge is 8.10 m. The lower structure consists of new monolithic reinforced-concrete abutments, founded on micropiles. For the 1st support, a subsurface expansion joint was installed. For the 2nd support a surface expansion was used. The abutments are parallel or sloped, monolithic reinforced concrete. A retractable track made of the PIŽMO material was set up to move the steel structure at SO 201. The structure was moved slowly with partial restriction of traffic on the railway line.

We produced, assembled and moved the steel structure utilizing solely our own capacities.

The structure of the bridge No. 4203-004 (SO 202) consists of a steel bridge structure with an upper deck. The supporting element is 5 steel beams connected with a reinforced-concrete slab. After the construction of the supports, the steel structure was inserted into the bridge clearance by a crane, followed by a reinforced-concrete slab. The length of the SO 202 bridge is 32.95 m, width 11.30 m. The load-bearing structure has a length of 13.32 m, width 10.80 m. The area of the load-bearing structure is 143.86 m2. The bridge structure is mounted on elastomeric bearings. In OP1, the bridge expansion joint is on the surface, in OP2 it is under the surface. The height of the bridge is 6.98 m. The abutments are parallel or sloped, monolithic reinforced concrete. The demolition took place with the complete closure of road traffic and the restriction of railway traffic during the specified demolition work.

Monolithic reinforced concrete ledges are made on both bridges, on which railings are installed.

As part of the construction, the road was reconstructed in a total length of 200 m.