
D3 motorway

Customer: Doprastav, a. s., Drieňová 27, 826 56 Bratislava

SO 237-30 Ledges
The subject of this project was the construction of ledges 544.800 m long, on which reinforced-concrete slabs (made of aerated concrete C 35/45-XC4, XD3, XF4 - SK) with widths of 1500 mm were installed. The height of the ledge above the road is 120 mm with a slope of 5:1 in the part above the road, in the part below the road it is vertical. The outer edge of the ledge is sloping and has a height of 700 mm, the transverse slope of the upper surface is 4.0% and is roughened. Expansion ledge joints were made at predetermined locations at selected demarcation points.

The ledges on the bridge are anchored by means of additionally glued anchors, the ledges on the abutments are anchored by means of concrete reinforcement protruding from the wings.

The left ledge at the beginning and end seamlessly connects to the ledge SO 281-53 with an expansion joint. The ledges were made using formwork trolleys, always in one engagement between the expansion joints.

SO 281-53 Reinforced-concrete ledge
The subject is a reinforced-concrete ledge 52,000 m long and 1,500 mm wide. The upper surface of the ledge is inclined by 4% towards the road. The ledge was designed and made of aerated concrete C 35/45-XC4, XD3, XF4-SK. The ledge is without protective coatings and its surface is roughened. The expansion joints in the ledge are identical to the expansion joints of the retaining wall. The ledge is made by anchoring the arms to the retaining wall with ohmo anchors. A work platform with a safety railing and cornice underlayment was implemented on the arms.

SO 803-21 Bridge over the Šlehorov stream
The 8.177 m long bridge carries the road over the local Šlehorov stream. The original bridge followed the width of the adjacent road. The free width of the original bridge was 3.85 m. There are no sidewalks on the bridge. The transverse slope of the bridge is variable according to the orientation of the road. The original bridge was demolished and a new one was built and founded on piles. The works on the bridge included the construction of a new substructure, a load-bearing slab, the ledge of the bridge, paving of the creek bed, drainage, insulation and backfilling of the back of the supports.