​​Urban furniture ​​treatment

​​Urban furniture ​​treatment

In recent years, we also focus on Municipal Engineering – urban furniture treatment, reconstructions of historic buildings, squares and other listed buildings.
In 2012, we reconstructed the historic underground and opened for public the Brno Ossuary. For a private investor, we carried out landscaping in Prague in front of the Waltrovka residence. For the city of Brno, we built the park in front of the Janáček Theater, the square on Zelný Trh and Koliště Park, including the reconstruction of the monument to the fallen Red Army soldiers.

Head of Department
Ing. Miloš Raab

Public parks

Brno-Zelný trh

Brněnské podzemí

Public parks
Front area of the Janáček theater in Brno

Public parks
Park Brno-Koliště

Brno ossuary

Public parks
Park Praha-Waltrovka